Siavash Publishes Papers on Optically Trapped Particles Skip to main content

Siavash Publishes Papers on Optically Trapped Particles

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During the last couple of months, two papers from CamachoLab member Siavash have been published in Physical Review describing novel strategies for characterizing optical traps and demonstrating optical trapping of large solid gold particles.

In the first paper, published in December 2024, the use of nonlinear effects on the scattering force experienced by particles is examined. This work bridges the gap between previous models and experimental observations.

In his second paper, solid gold particles of radius > 1µm are trapped and observed for over an hour. These large particles represent some of the largest optically trapped particles demonstrated experimentally. The dynamic nature of the trap also enables fine tuned control over the trapped particle.

Overall, these papers represent novel advances in optical trapping of particles. Both of these papers are available through Physical Review, and can be read using the links below.

"Nonlinear multistable potential traps"

"Optical trapping of large metallic particles in air"