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ResearcherID Profile
S Mirzaei-Ghormish, D Smalley, R Camacho, "Nonlinear multistable potential traps" Physical Review A, vol. 111, January 2025.
Siavash Mirzaei-Ghormish, S Griffith, Daniel Smalley, Ryan M Camacho, "Optical trapping of large metallic particles in air" Physical Review Applied, vol. 22, December 2024.
Christian Carver, Jared Marchant, Benjamin Fisher, Nicholas Townsend, Tyler Stowell, Austin Barlow, Benjamin Arnesen, Shiuh-Hua Wood Chiang, Ryan M Camacho "Integrated Differential Conjugate Homodyne Detection for Quantum Random Number Generation" (preprint), December 2024.
Michael J Probst, Jacob M Hiesener, Leticia Magalhaes, CJ Xin, Benjamin Szamosfalvi, Ryan M Camacho, Marko Lončar, Stephen E Ralph, "On Topology Optimization Enhancements for Thin-Film Lithium Niobate" in 2024 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series (SUM), July 2024.
Ryan M Camacho, "Co-design of quantum photonic and electronic circuits for differential homodyne detection" in Quantum Information Science, Sensing, and Computation XVI, June 2024.
Helaman R Flores, Samuel R Layton, Dirk Englund, Ryan M Camacho, "Alignment-free coupling to arrays of diamond microdisk cavities with fabrication tolerant spin-photon interfaces" Optics Express, vol. 32, March 2024.
Parker A Awerkamp, David Hill, Davin Fish, Kimi Wright, Brandt Bashaw, Gregory P Nordin, Ryan M Camacho, "Self-Sustaining Water Microdroplet Resonators Using 3D-Printed Microfluidics" Micromachines, vol. 15, March 2024.
Nicholas John Hartley, Daniel Hodge, Taylor Buckway, Ryan Camacho, Paul Chow, Eric Christie, Arianna Gleason, Siegfried Glenzer, Aliaksei Halavanau, Abi Mae Hardy, Colin Recker, Sean Sheehan, Sharon Shwartz, Hilary Tarvin, Michael Ware, Joseph Wunschel, Yuming Xiao, RL Sandberg, Gary Walker, "Confirming X-ray parametric down conversion by time–energy correlation" Results in Physics vol. 57, 107328, February 2024.
Helaman R Flores, Samuel R Layton, Dirk Englund, Ryan M Camacho, "Alignment-Free Coupling to Arrays of Diamond Microdisk Cavities for Scalable Spin-Photon Interfaces"
Parker A Awerkamp, David Hill, Davin Fish, Kimi Wright, Brandt Bashaw, Gregory P Nordin, Ryan M Camacho, "Self-Sustaining Water Microdroplet Resonators Using 3D Printed Microfluidics"
NJ Hartley, D Hodge, T Buckway, R Camacho, P Chow, E Christie, A Gleason, S Glenzer, A Halavanau, AM Hardy, C Recker, S Sheehan, S Shwartz, H Tarvin, M Ware, J Wunschel, Y Xiao, RL Sandberg, G Walker, "Confirming X-ray Parametric Down Conversion by Time-Energy Correlation"
Kimi S Wright, Parker A Awerkamp, David Hill, Brandt Bashaw, Dean Van Woerkom, Davin Fish, Gregory P Nordin, Ryan M Camacho, "Freezing Optically Clear Microdroplets in a Laboratory Setting"
Elise Bangerter, Ryan Camacho, "Inverse Design of a 2x2 Coupler"
Helaman Flores, Benjamin Szamosfalvi, Yuqin Duan, Ian Hammond, Ryan Camacho, Dirk Englund, "Optimized Free Space Emission from Layered Diamond Microdisk Resonators"
Benjamin Fisher, Benjamin Arnesen, Tyler Stowell, Jared Marchant, Christian Carver, Ryan M Camacho, Shiuh-hua Wood Chiang, "Co-design of Transimpedance Amplifiers and Photonic Quantum Random Number Generators"
Abigail Mae Hardy, Nicholas J Hartley, Daniel Hodge, Sean Sheehan, Eric Christie, Taylor Buckway, David Allred, Michael Ware, Shiuh-hua Wood Chiang, Alex Halavanau, Hilary Tarvin, Joseph Wunschel, Yuming Xiao, Paul Chow, Arianna E Gleason, Ryan Camacho, Gary Walker, Richard L Sandberg, "Evidence of Parametrically Down-Converted Photon Pairs in the X-Ray Spectrum," Optica Imaging Congress (2023)
Siavash Mirzaei-Ghormish, S Griffith, Daniel Smalley, Ryan M Camacho, "Optical Trapping of Large Metallic Particles in Air," in arXiv preprint arXiv
S Mirzaei-Ghormish, DE Smalley, M Shahabadi, M Mohammad-Taheri, Ryan M Camacho, "Hybrid dielectric slot-plasmonic ring resonator for Purcell enhancement," Phys. Scr. 98, 115030, 2023
Ian M. Hammond, Alec M. Hammond, and Ryan M. Camacho, "Deep learning-enhanced, open-source eigenmode expansion," Opt. Lett. 47, 1383-1386 (2022)
Galan Moody et al 2022 J. Phys. Photonics 4 012501
Parker A. Awerkamp, Davin Fish, Madison King, David Hill, Gregory P. Nordin, Ryan M. Camacho, "3D printed mounts for microdroplet resonators" Opt. Express 30, 1599-1606 (2022)
K. Larson, A. Hammond, C. Carver, D. Anderson, M. Viglione, M. Boaks, G. Nordin, and R. Camacho, "Post-fabrication tuning of microring resonators using 3D-printed microfluidics," Opt. Lett. 46, 4650-4653 (2021)
I. M. Hammond, Y. Duan, M. E. Trusheim, D. R. Englund, and R. M. Camacho, "Microdisk Design for Vertical Collection from Quantum Emitters," in Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2021
Christian Carver, Mawla Boaks, JuHang Kim, Kevin Larson, Gregory P. Nordin, Ryan M. Camacho, "Photonic Tuning of Silicon Ring Resonators Using an Automated Microfluidic Mixer" CLEO: Applications and Technology, ATh4G. 4
Ian M. Hammond, Alec M. Hammond, Ryan M. Camacho, "Simulating Optical Field Mode Profiles using Artificial Neural Networks for use in Open Source Eigenmode Expansion" CLEO: Science and Innovations, JW1A. 72
Ryan M. Camacho, "Open Source Photonics Simulation for Quantum Applications" Photonics for Quantum, 11844, 118440O
Christian Carver, Mawla Boaks, JuHang Kim, Kevin Larson, Gregory P Nordin, Ryan M. Camacho, "Automated photonic tuning of silicon microring resonators using a 3D-printed microfluidic mixer" OSA Continuum, 4, 2075-2081
Galan Moody, Ryan M. Camacho, et al. "Roadmap on Integrated Quantum Photonics" arXiv (preprint), arXiv:2102.03323
Kevin Larson, Alec Hammond, Christian Carver, Derek Anderson, Mawla Boaks, Matthew Viglione, Greg Nordin, Ryan M. Camacho, "Zero-energy tuning of silicon photonic devices using 3D-printed microfluidics" Frontiers in Optics, FTu6B.2
Bing Qi, Hyrum Gunther, Philip G. Evans, Brian Williams, Ryan M. Camacho, Nicholas A Peters, "Passive-state preparation for continuous-variable quantum key distribution" Laser Science, LM1F.4
Bing Qi, Hyrum Gunther, Philip G. Evans, Brian Williams, Ryan M. Camacho, Nicholas A Peters, "Experimental Passive-State Preparation for Continuous-Variable Quantum Communications"Physical Review Applied, 13, 054065(2020)
Easton Potokar, Scott Collings, Alec M Hammond, Ryan Camacho, "Rapid Simulation of Scattering Parameters for Coupled Waveguides with Arbitrary Geometries" Journal of Lightwave Technology (early access), 1 (2020).
Sequoia Ploeg, Hyrum Gunther, Ryan Camacho, "Simphony: An open-source photonic integrated circuit simulation framework" Computing in Science & Engineering (early access), 1 (2020).
Ryan Camacho, Davin Fish, M Simmons, Parker Awerkamp, Rebecca Anderson, Stephanie Carlson, Joshua Laney, Matthew Viglione, Gregory P Nordin, "Self‐Sustaining 3D Thin Liquid Films in Ambient Environments" Advanced Materials Interfaces 7 (9), 1901887 (2020)
Alec M. Hammond, Ryan M. Camacho, "Designing Silicon Photonic Devices using Artificial Neural Networks", Optics Express, 27, 9620 (2019)
Alec M Hammond, Easton Potokar, Ryan M Camacho, "Accelerating Silicon Photonic Parameter Extraction using Artificial Neural Networks", OSA Continuum, 2, 1964 (2019).
Alec M. Hammond, Ian W. Frank, Ryan M. Camacho, "Error Correction in Structured Optical Receivers," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 24, 1 (2018).
D. Bunandar et al., “Metropolitan Quantum Key Distribution with Silicon Photonics,” Physical Review X, 8, 021009 (2018
H. Cai et al., “Silicon photonic transceiver circuit for high-speed polarization-based discrete variable quantum key distribution,” Optics Express, 25, 12282 (2017).
T. Schröder et al., “Scalable focused ion beam creation of nearly lifetime-limited single quantum emitters in diamond nanostructures,” Nature Communications 8, 15376 (2017).
S. Liu et al., “High speed ultra-broadband amplitude modulators with ultrahigh extinction >65 dB,” Optics Express 25, 11254 (2017)
M. Sarovar et al., “Silicon nanophotonics for scalable quantum coherent feedback networks,” EPJ Quantum Technology 3, 14, (2016
A. Sipahigil et al., “An integrated diamond nanophotonics platform for quantum optical networks,” Science 354, 847, (2016
D. B. S. Soh et al., “Self-referenced continuous-variable quantum key distribution,” Physical Review X 5, 041010 (2015)
S. M. Hendrickson, A. C. Foster, R. M. Camacho, and B. D. Clader, “Integrated nonlinear photonics: emerging applications and ongoing challenges [Invited],” Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 31, 3193, (2014
B. D. Clader, S. M. Hendrickson, R. M. Camacho, and B. C. Jacobs, “All-optical microdisk switch using EIT,” Optics Express, 21 6169 (2013
S. M. Hendrickson et al., “All-optical-switching demonstration using two-photon absorption and the Zeno effect,” Physical Review A, 87, 023808 (2013)
R. M. Camacho, “Entangled photon generation using four-wave mixing in azimuthally symmetric microresonators,” Optics Express, 20, 21977 (2012
P. T. Rakich, C. Reinke, R. Camacho, P. Davids, and Z. Wang, “Giant Enhancement of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in the Subwavelength Limit,” Physical Review X, 2, 011008 (2012).
P. K. Vudyasetu, R. M. Camacho, and J. C. Howell, “Rapidly reconfigurable slow-light system based on off-resonant Raman absorption,” Physical Review A, 82, 053807 (2010)
Q. Lin et al., “Coherent mixing of mechanical excitations in nano-optomechanical structures,” Nature Photonics, 4, 236 (2010)
M. Eichenfield, J. Chan, R. M. Camacho, K. J. Vahala, and O. Painter, “Optomechanical crystals,” Nature, 462, 78, (2009).
R. M. Camacho, J. Chan, M. Eichenfield, and O. Painter, “Characterization of radiation pressure and thermal effects in a nanoscale optomechanical cavity,” Opt. Express, 17, 15726 (2009
M. Eichenfield, R. Camacho, J. Chan, K. J. Vahala, and O. Painter, “A picogram- and nanometre-scale photonic-crystal optomechanical cavity,” Nature, 459, 550 (2009).
J. Chan, M. Eichenfield, R. Camacho, and O. Painter, “Optical and mechanical design of a 'zipper' photonic crystal optomechanical cavity,” Optics Express, 17, 3802 (2009)
R. M. Camacho, P. K. Vudyasetu, and J. C. Howell, “Four-wave-mixing stopped light in hot atomic rubidium vapour,” Nature Photonics, 3, 103 (2009).
R. M. Camacho, P. B. Dixon, R. T. Glasser, A. N. Jordan, and J. C. Howell, “Realization of an All-Optical Zero to π Cross-Phase Modulation Jump,” Physical Review Letters, 102, 013902 (2009).
C. J. Broadbent, R. M. Camacho, R. Xin, and J. C. Howell, “Preservation of Energy-Time Entanglement in a Slow Light Medium,” Physical Review Letters, 100, 133602, (2008
P. K. Vudyasetu, R. M. Camacho, and J. C. Howell, “Storage and Retrieval of Multimode Transverse Images in Hot Atomic Rubidium Vapor,” Physical Review Letters, 100, 123903 (2008)
Z. Shi, R. W. Boyd, R. M. Camacho, P. K. Vudyasetu, and J. C. Howell, “Slow-Light Fourier Transform Interferometer,” Physical Review Letters, 99, 240801 (2007
M. V. Pack, R. M. Camacho, and J. C. Howell, “Transients of the electromagnetically-induced-transparency-enhanced refractive Kerr nonlinearity,” Physical Review A, 76, 033835, (2007
M. V. Pack, R. M. Camacho, and J. C. Howell, “Electromagnetically induced transparency line shapes for large probe fields and optically thick media,” Physical Review A, 76, 013801, (2007
R. M. Camacho, M. V. Pack, J. C. Howell, A. Schweinsberg, and R. W. Boyd, “Wide-Bandwidth, Tunable, Multiple-Pulse-Width Optical Delays Using Slow Light in Cesium Vapor,” Physical Review Letters, 98, 153601, (2007
R. M. Camacho, C. J. Broadbent, I. Ali-Khan, and J. C. Howell, “All-Optical Delay of Images using Slow Light,” Physical Review Letters, 98, 043902 (2007
R. M. Camacho, M. V. Pack, and J. C. Howell, “Slow light with large fractional delays by spectral hole-burning in rubidium vapor,” Physical Review A, 74, 033801 (2006).
M. V. Pack, R. M. Camacho, and J. C. Howell, “Transients of the electromagnetically-induced-transparency-enhanced refractive Kerr nonlinearity: Theory,” Physical Review A, 74, 013812 (2006).
R. M. Camacho, M. V. Pack, and J. C. Howell, “Low-distortion slow light using two absorption resonances,” Physical Review A, 73, 063812 (2006).