CamachoLab Members Participate in CQN Site Visit Skip to main content

CamachoLab Members Participate in CQN Site Visit


Members of BYU's Camacho Lab travelled to Tucson, AZ from October 22-24th to attend the Center for Quantum Networks (CQN) site visit.

This year, representatives from the National Science Foundation (NSF) evaluated current progress and future funding for CQN. As part of the Camacho Lab's work with CQN, two students presented posters on their research towards developing quantum network hardware.

Ben Szamosfalvi presented on a new frequency-multiplexed entangled photon pair source, while Siavash Ghormish demonstrated new designs for free-space coupled quantum memory structures. These designs help further fundamental technologies for quantum networks. Our students discussed current technologies with other experts and brainstormed new project ideas and future collaboration opportunities.